BTE CODE 1634, 1227 AKTU CODE 065 B.Pharma AKTU CODE 1182

Research & Publications

The faculty members of the college are involved in various research activities. A large number of research papers & books have been published by the faculty members. The list of research publications & books are given below

List of Publications:


Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Name EmailName (s) of PaperPlace & PublisherID
Rahul kumarbs7500932158@gmail.comRahul kumarBaldeo mathura9243
Praveen Kumar singhrajeshchaudhary101987@gmail.comKishan singhKosi kalan619
Praveen Kumar singhrajeshchaudhary101987@gmail.comKishan singh618
Mr. Rajesh Singhrajesh.singh@www.bsacet.orgSolution in plasmaNational conference held at NIT Hamirpur in Dec-0972
Mr. Sanjay Singh Chauhansanjaysingh.chauhan@www.bsacet.orgArticulation Point based MCDS formation in MANETNational Seminar71
Mr. Sanjay Singh Chauhansanjaysingh.chauhan@www.bsacet.orgHuman computer Interaction based on computer GraphicsNational Conference (30-31 Oct.2010), CSE, Jhansi (U.P.). ISBN: 978-93-80967-29-170
Mr. Sanjay Singh Chauhansanjaysingh.chauhan@www.bsacet.orgE-Learning Environment with Human computer InteractionNational Conference (11-12 Mar.2011), ITM , Gwalior69
Mr. Sanjay Singh Chauhansanjaysingh.chauhan@www.bsacet.orgSKC LINE CLIPPING ALGORITHMInternational Conference (ICSE11, 21-23 Jan 2011 Rohtak . ISBN: 978-981-08-7931-068
Mrs. Durga Pujadurga.puja@www.bsacet.orgSecuring Data Warehouse Using Multidimensional Virtual Private Database67
Mr. Rajesh Singhrajesh.singh@www.bsacet.orgSecuring Data Warehouse Using Multidimensional Virtual Private Database66
Mr. Rajesh Singhrajesh.singh@www.bsacet.orgSolution in plasmaNational conference held at NIT Hamirpur in Dec-0960
Electronics & Communication Engineering
IDPlace & Publisher Name (s) of Paper Faculty Name Email
81International Conference on Electronics Information and Communication Systems Engineering (ICEICE-2010), Muradabad.Analysis of Impact of Device Parameters Fluctuation on SRAM Cell for Process- Tolerant Cache ArchitectureMr. Farhan
80International Conference on Advances in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ICAEEE-2011), Jodhpur.Impact of δ doping and spacer layer thickness variation on high density 2DEG in High Electron Mobility TransistorsMr. Farhan
79Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2011), AMU, Aligarh.Optimization of δ-doped AlInAs/InGaAs HEMT using δ doping and spacer layer thicknessMr. Farhan
78International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS), 4(1), March-May, 2013,Simulation and Optimization of δ-doped AlInAs/InGaAs HEMT for High Frequency ApplicationsMr. Farhan
772nd International Conference sponsored by IEEE on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), March 2015, Bharati Vidyapeeth, New DelhiSoftware Reliability Growth Models and Tools - A ReviewDr. Lokendra Kumar
76International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, 4(12), (2015), 28-34Imperceptible Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular MeshDr. Lokendra Kumar
75International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, 4(6), (2015), 207-212Imperceptible Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular MeshDr. Lokendra Kumar
74International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, 4(6), (2015), 207-212Segment Based Watermarking in 3D Triangular MeshDr. Lokendra Kumar
73International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, 6(4), (2011), 484-490Probabilistic Approach for Modified Minimum Energy Coding with Phase Coded SSMADr. Lokendra Kumar
61International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, 6(4), (2011), 484-490Probabilistic Approach for Modified Minimum Energy Coding with Phase Coded SSMADr. Lokendra Kumar
Electrical Engineering
IDName (s) of Paper Place & Publisher Faculty Name Email
96Short-term load forecasting by using Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy logic and fuzzy neural networkInternational conference on Electrical power and Energy Systems 2010-ICEPES2010Mr. Girraj
95Applications of Artificial Neural Network in Power SystemInternational Journal of Emerging Technology & Research (IJETR) ISSN (online):2347-5900, volume V1, issue-I4, May 2014Mr. Girraj
94A review-Fuzzy logic and its applicationInternational Journal of Emerging Technology & Research(IJETR) ISSN(online):2347-5900 , volume V1, issue-I4, May 2014Mr. Girraj
93GA based cost optimization for power system stability improvementInternational conference on Electrical power and Energy Systems 2010- ICEPES2010Mr. Girraj
92Design of Speed and Power Based Power System Stabilizers to Enhance the Power System StabilityInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and TechnologyMr. Girraj
91Factor Affecting Elements and Short term Load forecasting Based on Multiple Linear Regression MethodInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014Mr. Girraj
90Performance evaluation of power sector: pre & post electricity act, 2003 and their implicationsInternational National Conference at LKCE,Ghaziabad , India.Mr. Rahul
89Integration of Wind Farm into A Weak Distribution Network’’International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Volume 4, Special Issue 1, February 2014Mr. Rahul
88Transient Analysis of self excited Induction generator with Electronic load controller (ELC)National Conference on RDEECE-2016 at BSACET Mathura, IndiaMr. Rahul
87Optimal power flow controller by using UPFCNational Conference on RDEECE-2016 at BSACET Mathura, India.Mr. Rahul
86Modelling & simulation of MIMO system using fuzzy logicInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 12( Part 3), December 2014, pp.118-123Mr. Deepak
85Model Reduction of Discrete Interval System by Routh Approximation MethodIEEE RAICS 2015 at Trivendrum, Kerla, India.Mr. Deepak
84Output Analysis of Solar Power System Using One-Diode Model of PV Cell Based on MATLABNational Conference on RDEECE-2016 at BSACET Mathura, India.Mr. Deepak
83Improved Routh Table Truncation Algorithm for Large-Scale Uncertain Discrete Interval Models”National Conference on RDEECE-2016 at BSACET Mathura, IndiaMr. Deepak
82National Conference organized by MITS, Gwalior in July-10Channel Capacity Maximization In OFDM SystemsMr. Ram Chandra
62National Conference organized by MITS, Gwalior in July-10Channel Capacity Maximization In OFDM SystemsMr. Ram Chandra
Mechanical Engineering
IDMechanical EngineeringPlace & Publisher Faculty Name Email
106Study of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Metal Matrix CompositeSpringer PublisherDr. Shyam Sundar
105Development and Experimental Study of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Al-10wt.%SiC CompositeJournal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Springer PublisherDr. Shyam Sundar
104Development, Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Surface–Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Al-Al2O3 Metal Matrix CompositeSpringer PublisheDr. Shyam Sundar
103Modeling and Optimization of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding of Al-10wt.% SiCp CompositeNova PublisherDr. Shyam Sundar
102Modeling and Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding ProcessInderscience PublisherDr. Shyam Sundar
101Modeling and Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process of Al-SiC Composite,International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Sciences 6(1), 2013, 27-41.Dr. Shyam Sundar
100Multi-Objective Optimization of the Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding ProcessAsian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 1(2) (2012) 45-50.Dr. Shyam Sundar
99Modeling and Prediction of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process of Metal Matrix Composites,Taylor and Francis PublisherDr. Shyam Sundar
98Development, Experimental Investigation and Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Al-SiC Metal Matrix Composite,International Journal of Abrasive Technology, 5(3) (2012) 223-244. (Inderscience Publisher)Dr. Shyam Sundar
97Comparative Study of EDFM, EDFG and EDDFG of HSSAIMTDR-2010, A.P.Dr. Shyam Sundar
63Comparative Study of EDFM, EDFG and EDDFG of HSSAIMTDR-2010, A.P.Dr. Shyam Sundar
IDName (s) of Paper Place & Publisher Faculty Name Email
10280Arun SharmaAgraRaja balwant Singh engineering technical campus bichpuri
121Modeling of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding ProcessNational Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, held at HBTI Kanpur on 15-16 Feb, 2014.Dr. Shyam Sundar
120Neural Network Modeling of Hybrid Machining Process (EDDSG)National Conference on Trends & Advancement in Computer Science & Engineering (NCTACSE-2013), held at BSACET, Mathura 2013.Dr. Shyam Sundar
119Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding (EDDSG) for Al-15wt. % SiCp Metal Matrix Composite3rd National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology Chandigarh, MarchDr. Shyam Sundar
118Study of EWR in EDMNational Conference on Achieving Excellence for Industrial competitiveness (AEIC), held at GLA University, Mathura.Dr. Shyam Sundar
117Study of EWR in EDMNational conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2010), at BSACET, Mathura.Dr. Shyam Sundar
116CFD Modelling of Flow Pattern of Rayleigh Step Bearing by using Fluent 6.2National conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2010), at BSACET, Mathura.Dr. Shyam Sundar
115Study of Tool Wear in EDMNational conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2012), held at Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura.Dr. Shyam Sundar
114Study of MRR in EDMNational conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2010), held at Anand Engineering College Agra.Dr. Shyam Sundar
113Modeling of Al-20wt.% SiCp Metal Matrix Composite using Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding ProcessNational Conference on Trends and Advances in Mechanical Engineering, YMCA Faridabad, OctoberDr. Shyam Sundar
112Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding (EDDSG) for Al-15wt. % SiCp Metal Matrix Composite3rd National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology Chandigarh, March.Dr. Shyam Sundar
111Study of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Metal Matrix CompositeAIMTDR-2014, IIT, GuwahatiDr. Shyam Sundar
110Modeling of Cut Qualities during Nd- YAG Laser Cutting of Thin Aluminum Alloy Sheet Metal using Artificial Neural Network)7th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering, (COPEN 8: 2013), NIT Calicut, Calicut, Kerala.Dr. Shyam Sundar
109Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding (EDDSG)7th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering,(COPEN 7: 2011), Pune, December.Dr. Shyam Sundar
108Multi-Response Optimization of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding of Al-10wt.%SiC Composite Using Weighted Principal Component and Fuzzy LogicDesign and Research (AIMTDR-2012), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Decembe.Dr. Shyam Sundar
107Study of Tool Wear in EDM using Statistical design of experimentASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA December 2008Dr. Shyam Sundar
64Study of Tool Wear in EDM using Statistical design of experimentASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA December 2008Dr. Shyam Sundar
Master of Business Administration
IDName (s) of Paper Place & Publisher Faculty Name Email
135ProficientAn International Journal of ManagementMr. Gaurav
133Mergers & Acquisitions: Changing the face of Indian BusinessNational ConferenceMr. Gaurav
132The Power of Impossible Thinkinga refereed bi-annual journal “Knowledge Hub” (listed in Cabell’s Directory, U.S.A.) in Vol. 3, No. 2 of July-Dec, 2007.Mr. Gaurav
131Environmental Perspective of Nano: Tata’s Entrepreneurial Innovation” in an edited volume on Entrepreneurship: Perspectives & Paradigmsa conference proceeding of 4th International Conference on “Entrepreneurship in New Economy” from 14-16 Feb, 2008 published by Macmillan India Ltd. in 2008.Mr. Gaurav
130Natural Resources: Their Protection and ConservationConference Proceeding of National Conference, Najibabad.Mrs. Beena
129Retaining Employees a crucial challenge for HR Professionals: A case study of ABC information TechnologiesInternational Journal on H.R. journal of Management ISBN: 0974-7737Mr. Gaurav
127An Empirical Study on Environment Awarness of Mathura based Consumers with reference to Launching a Low Cost four wheelerNational Journal on Synergy Regn.: 80573Mr. Gaurav
125Mergers & Acquisitions: How it changing the face of Indian BusinessInternational Conference on Management: Concepts, Cases & Models ISBN:978-93-80697-04-8Mr. Gaurav
123The Impact of Emotional Quotent on a Modern Organizational Leader's Ability to make Strategic Decisions-An Empirical ApproachInternational Conference on Strategy & Smart Organization ISBN: 0230-33061-4Mr. Gaurav
Faculty of Basic Science
IDName (s) of Paper Place & Publisher Faculty Name Email
142Inverted Equations Of State For Solids Under High PressuresIndian Journal of Physics (Vol.85,No.9(2011))Dr. Kishori
141Analysis of high pressure equations of state for solidsIndian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 47(2009)Dr. Kishori
140Defects induced phase transition in alkali halidesDAE-Solid State Physics Symposium volume 52 (2007)Dr. Kishori
139Pressure dependence of solid-liquid phase transition temperature in alkali halidesDAE-Solid State Physics Symposium volume 51 (2006)Dr. Kishori
138Pressure dependence of solid-liquid phase transition temperature in alkali halidesDAE-Solid State Physics Symposium volume 51 (2006)DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium volume 51 (2006)Dr. Kishori
137Pressure dependence of malting temperature in alkali halidesPhysics B 396 (2007)211.Dr. Kishori
136Extreme compression behavior of solid based on the Roy-Roy inverted equation of stateInternational Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.22 (2008) 909.Dr. Kishori
65Extreme compression behavior of solid based on the Roy-Roy inverted equation of stateInternational Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.22 (2008) 909.Dr. Kishori
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