The faculty members of the college are involved in various research activities. A large number of research papers & books have been published by the faculty members. The list of research publications & books are given below
Faculty Name | Name (s) of Paper | Place & Publisher | ID | |
Rahul kumar | | Rahul kumar | Baldeo mathura | 9243 |
Praveen Kumar singh | | Kishan singh | Kosi kalan | 619 |
Praveen Kumar singh | | Kishan singh | 618 | |
Mr. Rajesh Singh | | Solution in plasma | National conference held at NIT Hamirpur in Dec-09 | 72 |
Mr. Sanjay Singh Chauhan | | Articulation Point based MCDS formation in MANET | National Seminar | 71 |
Mr. Sanjay Singh Chauhan | | Human computer Interaction based on computer Graphics | National Conference (30-31 Oct.2010), CSE, Jhansi (U.P.). ISBN: 978-93-80967-29-1 | 70 |
Mr. Sanjay Singh Chauhan | | E-Learning Environment with Human computer Interaction | National Conference (11-12 Mar.2011), ITM , Gwalior | 69 |
Mr. Sanjay Singh Chauhan | | SKC LINE CLIPPING ALGORITHM | International Conference (ICSE11, 21-23 Jan 2011 Rohtak . ISBN: 978-981-08-7931-0 | 68 |
Mrs. Durga Puja | | Securing Data Warehouse Using Multidimensional Virtual Private Database | 67 | |
Mr. Rajesh Singh | | Securing Data Warehouse Using Multidimensional Virtual Private Database | 66 | |
Mr. Rajesh Singh | | Solution in plasma | National conference held at NIT Hamirpur in Dec-09 | 60 |
ID | Place & Publisher | Name (s) of Paper | Faculty Name | |
81 | International Conference on Electronics Information and Communication Systems Engineering (ICEICE-2010), Muradabad. | Analysis of Impact of Device Parameters Fluctuation on SRAM Cell for Process- Tolerant Cache Architecture | Mr. Farhan Aziz | |
80 | International Conference on Advances in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (ICAEEE-2011), Jodhpur. | Impact of δ doping and spacer layer thickness variation on high density 2DEG in High Electron Mobility Transistors | Mr. Farhan Aziz | |
79 | Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2011), AMU, Aligarh. | Optimization of δ-doped AlInAs/InGaAs HEMT using δ doping and spacer layer thickness | Mr. Farhan Aziz | |
78 | International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS), 4(1), March-May, 2013, | Simulation and Optimization of δ-doped AlInAs/InGaAs HEMT for High Frequency Applications | Mr. Farhan Aziz | |
77 | 2nd International Conference sponsored by IEEE on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), March 2015, Bharati Vidyapeeth, New Delhi | Software Reliability Growth Models and Tools - A Review | Dr. Lokendra Kumar Sharma | |
76 | International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, 4(12), (2015), 28-34 | Imperceptible Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular Mesh | Dr. Lokendra Kumar Sharma | |
75 | International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, 4(6), (2015), 207-212 | Imperceptible Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular Mesh | Dr. Lokendra Kumar Sharma | |
74 | International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, 4(6), (2015), 207-212 | Segment Based Watermarking in 3D Triangular Mesh | Dr. Lokendra Kumar Sharma | |
73 | International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, 6(4), (2011), 484-490 | Probabilistic Approach for Modified Minimum Energy Coding with Phase Coded SSMA | Dr. Lokendra Kumar Sharma | |
61 | International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, 6(4), (2011), 484-490 | Probabilistic Approach for Modified Minimum Energy Coding with Phase Coded SSMA | Dr. Lokendra Kumar Sharma | |
ID | Name (s) of Paper | Place & Publisher | Faculty Name | |
96 | Short-term load forecasting by using Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy logic and fuzzy neural network | International conference on Electrical power and Energy Systems 2010-ICEPES2010 | Mr. Girraj Singh | |
95 | Applications of Artificial Neural Network in Power System | International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research (IJETR) ISSN (online):2347-5900, volume V1, issue-I4, May 2014 | Mr. Girraj Singh | |
94 | A review-Fuzzy logic and its application | International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research(IJETR) ISSN(online):2347-5900 , volume V1, issue-I4, May 2014 | Mr. Girraj Singh | |
93 | GA based cost optimization for power system stability improvement | International conference on Electrical power and Energy Systems 2010- ICEPES2010 | Mr. Girraj Singh | |
92 | Design of Speed and Power Based Power System Stabilizers to Enhance the Power System Stability | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology | Mr. Girraj Singh | |
91 | Factor Affecting Elements and Short term Load forecasting Based on Multiple Linear Regression Method | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 3 Issue 12, December-2014 | Mr. Girraj Singh | |
90 | Performance evaluation of power sector: pre & post electricity act, 2003 and their implications | International National Conference at LKCE,Ghaziabad , India. | Mr. Rahul Gupta | |
89 | Integration of Wind Farm into A Weak Distribution Network’’ | International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Volume 4, Special Issue 1, February 2014 | Mr. Rahul Gupta | |
88 | Transient Analysis of self excited Induction generator with Electronic load controller (ELC) | National Conference on RDEECE-2016 at BSACET Mathura, India | Mr. Rahul Gupta | |
87 | Optimal power flow controller by using UPFC | National Conference on RDEECE-2016 at BSACET Mathura, India. | Mr. Rahul Gupta | |
86 | Modelling & simulation of MIMO system using fuzzy logic | International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 12( Part 3), December 2014, pp.118-123 | Mr. Deepak Parashar | |
85 | Model Reduction of Discrete Interval System by Routh Approximation Method | IEEE RAICS 2015 at Trivendrum, Kerla, India. | Mr. Deepak Parashar | |
84 | Output Analysis of Solar Power System Using One-Diode Model of PV Cell Based on MATLAB | National Conference on RDEECE-2016 at BSACET Mathura, India. | Mr. Deepak Parashar | |
83 | Improved Routh Table Truncation Algorithm for Large-Scale Uncertain Discrete Interval Models” | National Conference on RDEECE-2016 at BSACET Mathura, India | Mr. Deepak Parashar | |
82 | National Conference organized by MITS, Gwalior in July-10 | Channel Capacity Maximization In OFDM Systems | Mr. Ram Chandra Gupta | |
62 | National Conference organized by MITS, Gwalior in July-10 | Channel Capacity Maximization In OFDM Systems | Mr. Ram Chandra Gupta | |
ID | Mechanical Engineering | Place & Publisher | Faculty Name | |
106 | Study of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Metal Matrix Composite | Springer Publisher | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
105 | Development and Experimental Study of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Al-10wt.%SiC Composite | Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Springer Publisher | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
104 | Development, Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Surface–Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Al-Al2O3 Metal Matrix Composite | Springer Publishe | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
103 | Modeling and Optimization of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding of Al-10wt.% SiCp Composite | Nova Publisher | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
102 | Modeling and Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process | Inderscience Publisher | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
101 | Modeling and Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process of Al-SiC Composite, | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Sciences 6(1), 2013, 27-41. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
100 | Multi-Objective Optimization of the Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding Process | Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 1(2) (2012) 45-50. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
99 | Modeling and Prediction of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process of Metal Matrix Composites, | Taylor and Francis Publisher | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
98 | Development, Experimental Investigation and Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Al-SiC Metal Matrix Composite, | International Journal of Abrasive Technology, 5(3) (2012) 223-244. (Inderscience Publisher) | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
97 | Comparative Study of EDFM, EDFG and EDDFG of HSS | AIMTDR-2010, A.P. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
63 | Comparative Study of EDFM, EDFG and EDDFG of HSS | AIMTDR-2010, A.P. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
ID | Name (s) of Paper | Place & Publisher | Faculty Name | |
10280 | Arun Sharma | Agra | Raja balwant Singh engineering technical campus bichpuri agra | |
121 | Modeling of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process | National Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, held at HBTI Kanpur on 15-16 Feb, 2014. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
120 | Neural Network Modeling of Hybrid Machining Process (EDDSG) | National Conference on Trends & Advancement in Computer Science & Engineering (NCTACSE-2013), held at BSACET, Mathura 2013. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
119 | Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding (EDDSG) for Al-15wt. % SiCp Metal Matrix Composite | 3rd National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology Chandigarh, March | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
118 | Study of EWR in EDM | National Conference on Achieving Excellence for Industrial competitiveness (AEIC), held at GLA University, Mathura. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
117 | Study of EWR in EDM | National conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2010), at BSACET, Mathura. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
116 | CFD Modelling of Flow Pattern of Rayleigh Step Bearing by using Fluent 6.2 | National conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2010), at BSACET, Mathura. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
115 | Study of Tool Wear in EDM | National conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2012), held at Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
114 | Study of MRR in EDM | National conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAME-2010), held at Anand Engineering College Agra. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
113 | Modeling of Al-20wt.% SiCp Metal Matrix Composite using Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding Process | National Conference on Trends and Advances in Mechanical Engineering, YMCA Faridabad, October | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
112 | Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding (EDDSG) for Al-15wt. % SiCp Metal Matrix Composite | 3rd National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology Chandigarh, March. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
111 | Study of Surface-Electrical Discharge Diamond Grinding of Metal Matrix Composite | AIMTDR-2014, IIT, Guwahati | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
110 | Modeling of Cut Qualities during Nd- YAG Laser Cutting of Thin Aluminum Alloy Sheet Metal using Artificial Neural Network) | 7th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering, (COPEN 8: 2013), NIT Calicut, Calicut, Kerala. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
109 | Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding (EDDSG) | 7th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering,(COPEN 7: 2011), Pune, December. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
108 | Multi-Response Optimization of Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding of Al-10wt.%SiC Composite Using Weighted Principal Component and Fuzzy Logic | Design and Research (AIMTDR-2012), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Decembe. | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
107 | Study of Tool Wear in EDM using Statistical design of experiment | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA December 2008 | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
64 | Study of Tool Wear in EDM using Statistical design of experiment | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA December 2008 | Dr. Shyam Sundar Agrawal | |
ID | Name (s) of Paper | Place & Publisher | Faculty Name | |
135 | Proficient | An International Journal of Management | Mr. Gaurav Agrawal | |
133 | Mergers & Acquisitions: Changing the face of Indian Business | National Conference | Mr. Gaurav Agrawal | |
132 | The Power of Impossible Thinking | a refereed bi-annual journal “Knowledge Hub” (listed in Cabell’s Directory, U.S.A.) in Vol. 3, No. 2 of July-Dec, 2007. | Mr. Gaurav Agrawal | |
131 | Environmental Perspective of Nano: Tata’s Entrepreneurial Innovation” in an edited volume on Entrepreneurship: Perspectives & Paradigms | a conference proceeding of 4th International Conference on “Entrepreneurship in New Economy” from 14-16 Feb, 2008 published by Macmillan India Ltd. in 2008. | Mr. Gaurav Agrawal | |
130 | Natural Resources: Their Protection and Conservation | Conference Proceeding of National Conference, Najibabad. | Mrs. Beena Agrawal | |
129 | Retaining Employees a crucial challenge for HR Professionals: A case study of ABC information Technologies | International Journal on H.R. journal of Management ISBN: 0974-7737 | Mr. Gaurav Agrawal | |
127 | An Empirical Study on Environment Awarness of Mathura based Consumers with reference to Launching a Low Cost four wheeler | National Journal on Synergy Regn.: 80573 | Mr. Gaurav Agrawal | |
125 | Mergers & Acquisitions: How it changing the face of Indian Business | International Conference on Management: Concepts, Cases & Models ISBN:978-93-80697-04-8 | Mr. Gaurav Agrawal | |
123 | The Impact of Emotional Quotent on a Modern Organizational Leader's Ability to make Strategic Decisions-An Empirical Approach | International Conference on Strategy & Smart Organization ISBN: 0230-33061-4 | Mr. Gaurav Agrawal | |
ID | Name (s) of Paper | Place & Publisher | Faculty Name | |
142 | Inverted Equations Of State For Solids Under High Pressures | Indian Journal of Physics (Vol.85,No.9(2011)) | Dr. Kishori Lal | |
141 | Analysis of high pressure equations of state for solids | Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 47(2009) | Dr. Kishori Lal | |
140 | Defects induced phase transition in alkali halides | DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium volume 52 (2007) | Dr. Kishori Lal | |
139 | Pressure dependence of solid-liquid phase transition temperature in alkali halides | DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium volume 51 (2006) | Dr. Kishori Lal | |
138 | Pressure dependence of solid-liquid phase transition temperature in alkali halidesDAE-Solid State Physics Symposium volume 51 (2006) | DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium volume 51 (2006) | Dr. Kishori Lal | |
137 | Pressure dependence of malting temperature in alkali halides | Physics B 396 (2007)211. | Dr. Kishori Lal | |
136 | Extreme compression behavior of solid based on the Roy-Roy inverted equation of state | International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.22 (2008) 909. | Dr. Kishori Lal | |
65 | Extreme compression behavior of solid based on the Roy-Roy inverted equation of state | International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.22 (2008) 909. | Dr. Kishori Lal | |
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